Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket

Other Voices, Other views
short documentary, alternative education
Other Voices, Other views is a short documentary exploring alternative methods of teaching and schooling in the Netherlands. We focus our research mainly on big cities in the Netherlands, where there is a multicultural environment and a more or less globalised habitat. Some of the issues we still have to learn how to tackle in a multicultural society are present in the education system. The division is made visible on different levels, such as ethnicity, performance of formal tasks, test exams, etc. We question what the ways are to update the model of schooling to fit to the contemporary society.
Multiple sources, such as interviews, philosophical writings, articles, documentary films, etc, have highlighted a variety of competencies and skills that warrant consideration, most of which are absent from current learning models. This project is a way to look deeper into the topic and analyze the conditions that would allow a broader perspective on the current curriculum and create new spaces for students to engage with the world around.

presented Royal Academy of Art The Hague, NL 2018