Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket

Give it a title
video mapping, Mentality No Style | 100 years DeStijl
The “#givitatitle” is a multidisciplinary installation made by students of the Royal Academy of Art in collaboration with TodaysArt in the context of 100 years anniversary of establishing a journal called “De Stijl”. The installation consists of three transparent display panels activated by projecting constantly fluctuating flow of information that creates a juxtaposition narrative to the keynote speaker. Materials are synchronized according to the present narrative in order to visualize overwhelming diversity by inclusion, not exclusion.
The artists say beauty of our world is that it is complex, diverse and chaotic. Truth and false are abstract concepts that vary regarding to the context to which they are applied. It is necessary to operate by knowing the context in order to understand and be willing to accept realities. How does one stay open for dialog and different interpretations? This work is developed with the purpose of reminding people that reality is constructed and choices are predetermined, hence the illusion of freedom.

comissioned by Todays Art NL 2017

presented Theater aan het Spui The Hague

collaborators Chris Kore
Katsiaryna Banar
Maja Pop Trajkova