Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket

Choreographies of relativity
peformance, urban space
My project began with an exploration of proxemics, the study of spatial relationships in body language, and how we physically position ourselves in relation to others.
I looked into notational systems for describing spatial relationships that employ biometrics to categorise and describe the ways we use our bodies to navigate space in relation to others.
Naturally, I came upon “The Architect's Data”. A resource providing insights into spatial requirements for building design and site planning.
I was captivated by the subtle movements of the figures within these architectural diagrams. They illustrate societal norms and expectations, influencing our embodiment and interaction with our surroundings. My goal is to challenge our understanding of space, movement, and interaction within the built environment.

performed City Center The Hague, NL 2019